


Dear Basketball Friends,

it’s time to prepare for the new season. Therefore from September 16 to September 18, 2016 the


will take place in Berlin, to which we would invite you.

Age groups:

  • male seniors - born 1994 and earlier
  • female seniors - born 1994 and earlier
  • male juniors "U20" - born 1996 an younger
  • female juniors „U19“ - born 1997 an younger
  • male juniors „U18“ - born 1998 an younger
  • female juniors „U17“ - born 1999 an younger
  • male juniors „U16“ - born 2000 an younger
  • female juniors „U15“ - born 2001 an younger
  • male juniors „U14“ - born 2002 an younger
  • female juniors „U13“ - born 2003 an younger
  • male juniors „U12“ - born 2004 an younger

All male teams play with a size 7 ball, all female teams play with a size 6 ball.
Please provide adequate evidence as to the age of your team members, because age controls for all age groups are possible.

Start and end of tournament
Games for teams from Berlin and Brandenburg could begin on Friday at 17:30h. Games for other teams will begin on Saturday at 10:45h. Games will end on Sunday at 15:45h (for juniors) or 18:30h (for seniors).

Playing Time:
Playing time will be 4x8 minutes effective time.

Playing mode:
The playing mode will depend upon the number of teams that have registered. Every team will have at least four games. Each preliminary round will be followed by further qualifying and/or placement games.

Registration fees (per team):
Senior teams EUR 130,00
Junior teams EUR 100,00

Guest card (per participant):
EUR 10,00

Accommodation in clubcenter at gymnastic gym (Don’t forget to bring your own mattress and sleeping bag!), from Friday to Sunday without meals.

External accommodation:
We recommend for external accommodation:
DJH Berlin-Ernst-Reuter
www.jh-ernst-reuter.de" class="external plainTextLink" target="_new">www.jh-ernst-reuter.de/...]www.jh-ernst-reuter.de

Please use the online registration form on our homepage.
If a team withdraws its registration, refund of the registration fee will only be possible if the withdrawal is effected before september 01. Fees for quest cards will, of course, be refunded in any case.

Registration fees / Fees for quest cards
Registration fees must be paid immediately upon registration. Your registration will not be processed if registration fees have not been paid.
The remaining fees must be paid by September 01 at the latest. Timely payment is essential for our confirmation, otherwise you will be put on the waiting list.

Important: All fees arising in connection with the money transfer must be paid by you.

Bank account:
Recipient: „VfB Hermsdorf Basketball e.V.“
Postbank Berlin
IBAN: DE43100100100060323108
Reason for payment: „Hermsdorf-Cup – your registration no. –your team name”

Approvals and rejections:
Normally approvals and rejections are issued during the registration process.
All tea,s will receive an answer by September 06.

For more information about the tournament visit our homepage hermsdorf-cup.de" class="external plainTextLink" target="_new">hermsdorf-cup.de/::[fon...::10pt]hermsdorf-cup.de

We will answer all your questions also by email to hermsdorfcup.cups.nu/en/mailto:carsten.drinkewitz@vfbhermsdorf.de" origUrl="hermsdorfcup.cups.nu/en/mailto:carsten.drinkewitz@vfbhermsdorf.de">carsten.drinkewitz@vfbhermsdorf.de.

One Week before the tournament we will publish detailed game schedules on our tournament-homepage.
We’ll try to send schedules per email to the participant teams.
Please check changes in schedule at the gyms or the tournament homepage.


Referees are always welcome!
You can register at the tournament-homepage. For further questions please contact Richard Hellmer via email: hermsdorfcup.cups.nu/en/mailto:richard.hellmer@vfbhermsdorf.de" origUrl="hermsdorfcup.cups.nu/en/mailto:richard.hellmer@vfbhermsdorf.de">richard.hellmer@vfbhermsdorf.de.

We look forward to welcome you in Berlin!

Carsten Drinkewitz
Chairman Basketball
VfB Hermsdorf Berlin e.V.